To guide a comprehensive area-wide pest management project to control Aedes albopictus in two counties in New Jersey, we quantified the impact of mosquitoes on residents' quality of life. We interviewed residents of 121 randomly selected households in October and November 2010. We asked residents about their experience with mosquitoes in their neighborhood, the importance of mosquito control compared to other public services (1=not important, 5=extremely important), and rated residents' utility based on paired comparisons to known health states on the EuroQol scale from 0 (death) to 1 (perfect health).

The results of our analysis indicate that to New Jersey residents mosquitoes are second only to crime (!). See Table 2 for details.


Publications about Economics and ATM

DownloadShepard D, Halasa Y, Fonseca DM, Faraji A, Healy S, Gaugler R, Bartlett-Healy K, Strickman D, Clark G. 2014. Economic Evaluation of an area-wide pest management program to control the Asian tiger mosquito in New Jersey. PLoS One 9(10): e111014.

DownloadHalasa Y, Shepard DS, Fonseca DM, Farajollahi A, Healy S, Gaugler R, Bartlett-Healy K, Strickman D, Clark GG. 2014. Quantifying the impact of mosquitoes on quality of life and enjoyment of yard and porch activities in New Jersey. PLoS One. 9(3): e89221.

Halasa Y, Shepard D, Wittenberg E, Fonseca DM, Farajollahi A, Healy S, Gaugler R, Strickman D, Clark G. 2012. Willingness-to-pay for an Area-wide pest management program to control the Asian tiger mosquito in New Jersey. Journal of the American Mosquito Control Association. 28(3):225-236.

Costing Tool

We have developed an application to help you calculate the overall cost of adopting a recommended application or protocol. The tables you need to fill will focus on either the cost of one application (for personnel and equipment) or the materials needed to implement the protocol within one acre. For more information, please review instructions before conducting your costing.

When you click on the costing tool you will download a Microsoft Excel file onto your computer.

Tool development was funded by the US Department of Agriculture, agreement number 58-6615-8-106 from the Agricultural Research Services of the US Department of Agriculture.

Suggested citation: Shepard, D.S.; Halasa, Y.A.; Hurley, C.L. Costing Tool for Area-wide Integrated Management of the Asian Tiger Mosquito. Waltham, MA: Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University, Jan. 15, 2014.